Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Multiplayer Review

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 was released in November 6, 2015. It was developed by Treyarch and Published by Activision. It is a military FPS set in the future. There is a single player campaign and multiplayer mode as well.
Its best to buy the game when it first comes out as the numbers who play it are greatly reduce after the first month. Especially if you live in Country with small populations. It seems you cannot play with players from another country. If you’re not skilled at playing this type of game it will get boring fast as you die all the time. Also the kill cams are annoying each time but you can skip them by pushing the F button. What also annoys me is how long you have to wait between the end of the last game and the beginning of the next game.
The game has some good points as well. The levels are designed really well and the sound helps when you are wearing a headset, making it easier to know where the enemy is shooting from. The graphics are very good also with all the levels colourful and in high detail. Also like most COD games it does not give the computer a hard workout.
Players can now wall-run, power slide, and boost jump. The boost jumps functions similarly to the exo-jumps from Advanced Warfare. 10 points are used for picking Guns, Lethals, Tacticals, Attachments, Perks, and Wildcards. There are nine characters, called specialists. They each have there own special ability and weapon. Each weapon has five different stats: Damage, Range, Fire Rate and Accuracy. Its best to choose a gun with high damage if you are fighting up close and high accuracy if you are shooting into the distance. 
Prestige Mode allows players to completely reset their ranks and unlocks so they can go through the levelling up experience again. You prestige after level 55. This game was okay to prestige as I played it when it was new and there were plenty of game modes and players. There are 10 prestige levels in total and the 11th level being a master prestige level.
There are still perks, score streaks, supply drops and this time crypto keys to unlock guns and emblems etc. The game modes remain similar to the other games such as, team deathmatch, domination, free for all and uplink to name a few.
The game play is lots of fun if you are on a winning streak. It is always fast action and no time to stand still as players are moving all the time to find you. There are markers on the mini map to give you a helping hand where the gunfire is coming from. The boost jumps are fun to move around with although they do give away your position. When the game was new the lesser played game modes were lots of fun like uplink and kill confirmed.
All in all it’s a fun multiplayer game if you want to jump in and play for a short period of time then jump out and do other things.
