Titanfall Review

Titanfall is a first-person multiplayer game released in 2014. Once you click on "play Titanfall" the game automatically connects you to a match to play against others online. There are a few different game modes but most people play the game mode attrition. This mode is similar to team death match where you have to compete in a team and fight against the other team until time runs out or the score is reached. The game differs from other shooters in that you can score points from shooting computer controlled bots "or grunts". The weapons vary from pistols to rocket launchers. There is a pistol called a smart pistol that aims automatically and is best for shooting grunts as they do not move around as much as a real player.

During the game you can call for your titan which is dropped from the sky. This mechanized robot has a suit of armor and packs some heavy weapons. Once you step in to the titan you control it. You can choose to fight other titans or look for pilots to shoot. You can also order your titan to be in guard mode or follow mode. The game is fast moving and you will be running most of the time. You can run on the side of walls and thrust jump. There is a leveling system at work and as you level up you can unlock more load-outs for your pilot and titan. At the end of each game the loosing team has the chance to evacuate by a drop ship. I have never made it to a drop ship as I normally get shot before I get there or the ship gets destroyed by enemy Titans.

The game was developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA. The graphics look good on high detail and there are still players who play this game online. ( This may not be for much longer as Titanfall 2 was just released). There is no single player campaign for this game.

I give it 7/10