Crysis 3 Myltiplayer Review

Crysis 3 was a first-person shooter video game from 2012. It has both a single player campaign and a multiplayer part to the game. Here I will be reviewing the multiplayer game mode of Crysis 3.

The main difference I found in Crysis 3 compared to other multiplayer shooters are the stunning graphics. The Crysis game engine looks stunning indoors and outdoors. Another difference is you have a suit which you can change from armour to stealth mode. These modes only last for a few seconds before your suit needs to be recharged over time. The armour mode works well in a fight and the stealth mode works the best when you stay hidden. If you get attacked in stealth mode, you won’t survive. 

There are 8 game modes to choose from: Free for all, team deathmatch, hunter, crash site, spears, capture the relay, extraction and assault. The most popular game mode is team deathmatch and you will be lucky to find people playing in other game modes. There are many weapons to choose from and weapons have modifications which can be performed during gameplay. Most of these weapons must be unlocked by ranking up. As you rank up you unlock more weapons and abilities. There is a melee attack that can be performed as well but it takes more than one hit to take down an enemy. 

The games are a good length and the wait between maps is not too long. There seems to be enough people play this online to form matches and the game play is quite fast paced. There is also a good variety of maps. The voice over acting was also quite well done as well. One example would be the announcer telling you from time to time where a group of enemies are located.

I give it 7/10