Far Cry 3 Multiplayer Review

Far Cry 3 has a fairly decent multiplayer mode. It has the usual game modes such as team deathmatch and domination. The good thing about the game is that although not many people play the multiplayer, they mostly play mixed battle mode on top of the list so you get some variety without having to play team deathmatch all the time. Compared to other first-person multiplayer games the visuals are stunning and most of the maps are outdoors and detail of the trees and vegetation really do it justice. To play on the highest detail you need some relatively new hardware.

To progress in the game you earn XP points and level up. Every time you kill a player, revive a player or capture an area you gain experience points. The more you earn the more weapons and items you can unlock. You can customize the weapon load out at the begining of each game depending on your style. When you get injured you can heal your self once. When you go down you can be revived in a short period of time, only once.

One way the game differs from other multiplayer games is the game mode fire storm. In this mode you have to set fire to two areas as one time. The other team has to fight you and put out the fires by getting to a radio tower and calling for support.

Overall not many people play or even know Far Cry 3 has a multiplayer mode. But if you like highly detailed out door environments in first person shooters I would give it a go. I wouldn't recommend to buy the game just for the multiplayer aspect though.

I give it 7.5/10