Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Review

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer mode is still popular years after its release in 2009. Its full of action, the maps are good and there is still lots of players so you can choose a variety of game modes like domination and capture the flag but like all call of duty games the most players are in team deathmatch. In the game you progress and rank up as you play the game, unlocking new weapons and perks. The game has a class system with custom classes to choose from, allowing you to choose your primary and secondary weapons. The game is the most fun when you are constantly on the move. Staying in one spot for a few seconds will reduce your chances of survival as most players are moving around the map all the time. Because of the random nature of the matchmaking there is not real team tactics as most people do there own thing which can be frustrating at times especially in domination. Your experience might differ each time you play as you are playing against other people and everybody is different. If you are getting beaten a lot then its a good idea to leave the game and hope the matchmaking will bring you into a more even playing-field.

The graphics are a bit outdated now but its not as important in a multiplayer game as you are mainly concerned with your accuracy and reflexes, not how beautiful the trees and building look.

The game will run on older hardware and still runs on windows 10 with newer hardware.

Overall still a good game, lots of people still play and there is plenty of fun to be had.

I give it 8/10